Table Information

The headers on the columns in the opinions chart have the following meanings:

Date: The date the case was decided (cases are posted latest to earliest).

Docket: Sequential docket number of the case.

Name: Parties to the case.

O: The Judicial Council Officer who wrote the principal opinion in the case, or an unsigned per curiam opinion or decree:

HB: Judicial Council President Hunter Brooke.
TM: Student Union Parliamentarian Thomas Musgrave.
SM: Judicial Council Vice-President of Peer Advocacy Serena Melonio.
LM: Judicial Council Vice-President of Elections Luke Monson.
PC: Unsigned Per Curiam Opinion.

Citation: The permanent citation of the case. Cases should be cited in accordance with the listed citation, which follows the following format: docket number; J.C. to indicate 'Judicial Council;' and the month, day, and term the case was decided.